Seeker of Truth


Within an aspirant, every time he should have a feeling that one is not a resident here, but (being a fraction of God) he resides in God's abode.

The Drops of Nectar··

In one's earning, not an iota of anybody's claim should be included and one should be most careful about the same.

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When the sentient identifies itself with the inert, then finiteness appears or ego arises. From the ego emerges mineness, which leads to morbid feelings. From mineness arises desire, which results in absence of peace (Śānti).

The Drops of Nectar··

An aspirant should so believe that, whatever he does is the worship of God and whatever is happening, is God's sport.

The Drops of Nectar··

At the present, man is degrading himself to worse than animals. Animals make use of things they need to maintain themselves with and do not take away the rights of others, but man after depriving others of their rights, hoards things.

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To fulfil the bodily needs of a person, God makes arrangements, but no means exist to satisfy his greed.

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When an aspirant sees his faults as faults, he becomes unhappy with them. When the existence of these defects becomes unbearable for him, then these do not continue. God's grace soon destroys these faults.

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The mind remembers better than the eyes. Even more than the mind, the intellect remembers still better. And better still than the intellect, perceives the self. If the self catches something, it remembers it ever and for all the time.

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In one's place or sphere, those persons who are considered pre-eminent whether as teachers, lecturers, preceptors, masters, leaders, administrators, chief monks, story narrators, priests and others, they have to be very careful specially about their conduct, by which they would bring to bear good influence on other people.

The Drops of Nectar··

If you want to do something, then serve others. You want to know something, then know the self. You want to believe in something, then believe in God. All these three steps would result, in the same thing.

The Drops of Nectar··

If a pen is good, then writing can be good, but that does not make one a better writer. So, if there is purity of inner faculty, then actions can be pure, but the actual doer, does not become pure.

The Drops of Nectar··

People may think highly good of us, while we are not so good, and others may think of us as bad, but we are worse than that. After realising this truth, we should give up the desire that "others may think of us as good" but in our own view, we should endeavour to become better and better.

The Drops of Nectar··

The desire for the pleasure born of sense-contacts is more deadly than happiness itself. The desire for the body to continue is more fatal than having a body. The delusion towards a family, is more ruinous than having a family. The greed of wealth, is more destructive than wealth itself.

The Drops of Nectar··

The world you perceive is not to be accepted as yours, but to render service to it, and who cannot be seen, that God must be acknowledged as yours and remembered.

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Do not abuse the world granted to you, do not disrespect the known essence and do not show lack of faith in God, duly believed.

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In our hearts, the inert (body-world) has claimed more respect and so much more disrespect has been shown to God. That disrespect would eventuate in our fall and degradation.

The Drops of Nectar··

The intellect granting importance to perishable materials, cause a downfall of man, while intellect established in glory of God raises him high.

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One who misuses a thing, person etc., he is deprived of these and suffers unhappiness by their loss.

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Whosoever is one's own, is always our own, and what was not one's own, at any time, that can never be our own.

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What belongs to all, is also our own. What is not owned by anybody at any time, could at no time be our own.

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Whatever thing or person attracts an aspirant, then he should think of God in them.

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To perceive God uniformly at all places, is an equable view of Him. Watching material nature and (body-world) oriented panorama is a contrary view of Him.

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Man should himself not resolve on anything, but he should have no separate wish from that of God, meaning that he should be most happy in the dispensation of God.

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Every man should be cautious always, that he is not causing any difficulty or loss to anybody.

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Make it a rule, that if anybody does not fulfil our wish at any time, then we shall not be annoyed.

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God is the master of the world and to believe that I am the master of my body, is a mistake. One, who is the master of the world, is also the master of a body.

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Like a child, under all circumstances calls for his mother, so should a person, under any condition invoke God.

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For a just person, there is peace of mind in acting justly, and unjust action invites loss of peace of mind, for an unjust man.

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Whatever causes harm to oneself and others, presently or ultimately, all such acts are 'Asat' (not good).

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In the world, whatever things you have a right to and are available, these things also would not remain with you. Then, what you are neither entitled to nor become available, why hope for these?

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If you must know something, then realise the eternal, what use knowing the perishable?

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Think over it: 'What is good for us and what we can do and do we accomplish that?

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To think of the one going, as on the way out, and the one who stays as come to stay-this is appropriate understanding.

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We should not do anything wrongly, that we could never straighten later.

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Every circumstance is the sport of God, and enjoy it by watching the same.

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Duality and non-duality are simply concepts. The Tattva is, neither dual nor non-dual.

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If we have committed no crime, and our actions are correct, then we should not fear anything. If one is afraid, then something or the other is wrong and somewhere or the other, we have made a mistake. It also means that we do not have firm faith in our own innocence.

The Drops of Nectar··

Before starting any act, we must ask ourselves, as to why we are doing such a thing.

The Drops of Nectar··

Right or wrong lies in our view. In the eyes of God, everything is alright and nothing goes wrong.

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If others see good qualities in us, that shows their goodness and magnanimity, but for us to acknowledge the qualities as ours, is the misuse of their goodness and magnanimity.

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The best way to gain education is to, abide by the master's instructions and to please him. What education we acquire by pleasing of our master, cannot come by our own efforts.

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What work gets done by exclaiming for God, could not be accomplished by mere understanding and thinking.

The Drops of Nectar··

The unhappiness of not attaining God, is many thousand times greater, than worldly happiness.

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Just as a physician prescribes or gives a medicine, in that lies our good. So whatever God dispenses, therein lies the greatest good for us.

The Drops of Nectar··

Just as ghee held in the body of a cow, is not useful, so mere learning is not of much use.

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"I am the knower" or "I am not knower", these both are admissions of the ignorant.

The Drops of Nectar··

True beauty lies in the character of a person.

The Drops of Nectar··

To remember something, remember God, and to think of work, serve others.

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To admit the truth, is man's bounden duty.

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If each person, one by one reforms himself, then the whole society would be reformed.

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Should you want happiness from your children, then give happiness to your parents and serve them.

The Drops of Nectar··

To wish ill of others, is to invite ill to oneself.

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Remember-all dispensations of God are for your greatest good.

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By relating anything about yourself appearing special to you, in reality it is your subordination of that.

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In the end, one has to go alone. So from the beginning one should get lonely, by giving up the attachment of things, persons and actions.

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It is an all important rule to follow: to always remember God, and an over-riding abstention to give up desire.

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Contentment, is the basic Mantra for reforming society.

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"Unity in diversity" and "Diversity in unity," is a special feature of Hindu religion.

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A person taking refuge in untruth, cannot harm us.

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There is nothing so invaluable in the world, as devotion to God.

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Efforts to change the conditions are fruitless, and efforts to make good use of the conditions are useful.

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As man creates more needs, he would as much become more subservient.

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It is most surprising that things granted by God appeal to man, but not God Himself.

The Drops of Nectar··

Whether people accept us as good or not, know us as good or not, think of us as good or not, but if our feelings are good, then all the time our mind would be happy and on death there would be salvation.

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If a bad thought arises, be careful that if death should take place suddenly, what would happen then? If one always thinks of God and death took place at any time, then there is no worry.

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By the deterioration of personal life, the whole society is affected and by improvement of personal life, society improves, as people make a society.

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In the separation of God, the pain that results, gives much more happiness, than from worldly happiness.

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If one is in fear of God, scripture, Gurujana and the world, he in reality becomes fearless.

The Drops of Nectar··

We separate from the one that is ever separate, and we shall get, what is ever got.

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In receiving a thing, with the pleasure of another, is like getting milk. Having a thing by request is like obtaining water, while getting something after causing pain to others, is like having blood.

The Drops of Nectar··

Don't indulge in worry and remorse and be careful for the future, so that you do not repeat the same.

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A thing that erases, cannot stay for even a moment.

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To notice something special in oneself, can be seen only by one's pride.

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We can live without material things, and what we can live without, why should we become slaves of these?

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The body seems near and yet God appears far off that is ignorance. The reason is, that the body is always unattained (as it is decaying), while God is ever attained. With a body there is not even a minute's union, while with God there could not be a moment's separation.

The Drops of Nectar··

To believe the body as separate from the world and the self from God, is a mistake.

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A truly righteous person has no need or interest in anybody. But the world has need for such a one.

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If man shows disrespect for his discrimination, then his discrimination hides. However, if he respects his discrimination, then it multiplies, to the extent that he can reach God, even without a scripture or Guru.

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When we do not accept everybody's words, so if others also do not listen to us, then we should not be annoyed.

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If there is no greed within, then needed things would come, on their own. It is greed that becomes an impediment in achieving things.

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One should not show any disrespect to any person. In reality it would tantamount to disrespecting his own self, as the whole world is God itself.

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Having been born in India and a man not attracted by God, is a matter for surprise and distress, as birth in India is for salvation and even Devas desire to be born here.

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Dharma (virtue) is rooted in the renunciation of selfishness and in doing the good of others.

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To follow the tenets of one's Dharma (religion) himself there is no better exhortation for Dharma.

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"Bless me"-By not seeking blessings, become eligible for them.

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The present needs to be reformed, then the past and the future both, would automatically be reformed.

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It is an unhappy person, who makes others unhappy. It is the subservient person, who wants to subordinate others.

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An ignorant person takes the past as a dream, while a knowledgeable one, takes the present like a dream.

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By itself, importance of a thing is nil and it depends on its good use.

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Feeling for the need of God, is prayer.

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Greed for an unreal thing, is a barrier to achieving the same, but the craving for truth, accelerates achieving the truth.

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In maintaining our body, every care should be taken, that the least time and expense are incurred.

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The subordination to nature's matter (par) makes one subject to others and the slave of pleasure, thus a greater slave. The subordination of self (Svarūpa) is independence and subordination of one's own God- means greater independence.

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Watching TV or seeing movies, harms people in four ways; (1) damage to character, (2) waste of time, (3) loss of eye-sight, and (4) loss of money.

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By doing something one establishes oneself in nature, while by doing nothing, we are vested in God.

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Just as steady water allows impurities to settle down, similarly speech, mind and intellect, on silence (by peace and non-action), all morbid feelings are eliminated, ego is dissolved and realisation of the self takes place.

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Those who are themselves not good, and not used to doing good, they feel that the times are not auspicious to do good, presently.

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So long as man, compared with others sees something special in himself, he could be an aspirant, but not an emancipated soul.

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God is attained one and the world is an apparition. What we could gain is invisible, that is called- 'Prāpta' or obtained one. What we see, but is not attained is called, 'Pratīti' i.e., apparition.

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