Seeker of Truth


Through a devotee of God acts do not take place, but there is worship every moment, as in each of his acts he has a feeling of worship.

The Drops of Nectar··

One whose mind is concentrated on God, he should not be considered to be an ordinary individual, as he is a member of Almighty's court.

The Drops of Nectar··

Just as a greedy person's eyes are fixed on money, so must a devotee's eyes be always set on God.

The Drops of Nectar··

The Devas bestow on their worshippers their desired things, (after their worship is accomplished) without thought of good or bad, but God Almighty, grants to the devotees, by His own wish things, which are of great benefit to them.

The Drops of Nectar··

You become the servant of God, then He would make you a master.

The Drops of Nectar··

God's devotee may come from howsoever low a caste, yet he is greater than a devotionless learned Brahmaņa.

The Drops of Nectar··

In God's heart, there is so much respect for His devotee, and there is none else, He respects more.

The Drops of Nectar··

A devotee who sees nothing special in himself, nor is proud of anything in himself, God's exceptionality is dominant in such a devotee.

The Drops of Nectar··

A devotee surrendered to God, has not to offer worship, because through him and by himself, automatically worship is conducted.

The Drops of Nectar··

In whatever form a devotee wishes to view God, He, by the devotee's feelings appears accordingly to him.

The Drops of Nectar··

To call God's devotee as a "Devata", is to denigrate him, as his status is much higher than the 'Devas'.

The Drops of Nectar··

Devotees, who love God, are not attracted by God's majesty, but are impelled by His ownness toward them.

The Drops of Nectar··

Lovers' feelings are understood by lovers, a knower does not, and an unknowing one, never at all.

The Drops of Nectar··

A devotee attains bliss while serving God, and God also feels bliss in the service of devotees.

The Drops of Nectar··