Attachment and Hatred
A ttachment and hatred are transient morbid feelings of our inner faculties, but not natural tendencies (Dharma). Dharma is natural and permanent, while the changes are temporary (i.e.,) these come and go. As attachment and hatred are intermittent conditions of our inner faculties (mind, intellect and ego), these can be wiped out.
An aspirant's activity and absence from activity should not be in terms of attraction and hatred, but must be in accord with the scriptures (Śāstras).
Actions taken under the influence of attraction and hatred, do not result in good.
The tendency of hatred towards other aspirants is a great impediment in the path of one's success.
Discrimination is eternal (beginningless), but attraction is self-created. Attraction of the world overwhelms discrimination and with the development of discrimination attachment goes away.
By accepting the ever-changing world as permanent, the duality of attraction and hatred etc., are born.
Whatever we like, we notice no faults in it and whatever we dislike, we see nothing good in it. Only on renunciation of like and dislike, do we see the same thing, in its true form.
In truth, everything is divine, but because of like and dislike, it appears as inert. If like and dislike were absent, then there exists nothing except divinity (God).