Woman - About Woman in Ramayan
Nowadays the times have become really bad. Whatever we do not understand, we misrepresent. Have a little mercy, minimally at least try to understand what is being said. But the intellect has been totally misused. We have believed that we are so very intellectual, that there is no empty room (space) left in our brains. When two scholarly men are engaged in a discussion it is like two stones rubbing against each other. All it will do is lead to friction and sparks. Can there be any peace in this type of encounter? One has to be a student. One has to be humble. The pot has to be a little empty in order to hold more stuff. If the pot is already filled to the brim, how can we try to stuff more in it? If there is some space left in you then you will be able to absorb some new ideas and points.
If one wants to better comprehend whatever is written in any of the scriptures one has to first see it in the proper light. Under what context a particular incident happened, one must study and understand that scenario. A
well-educated, intelligent lady in a college where I was giving a discourse asked me to speak on why women folks have been criticized by Goswamiji in his writings
Dhor gawaar sudra pasu naar. Sakal taadanaa ke adhikaari
I asked her if she knew where this verse was written? She said Ramayana. When I asked where specifically in the Ramayana, she said Ayodhyaakaand. Further when I asked, what was the occasion or background surrounding this verse? She said, where women have been described, that is where it is written. Then I told her, see, you are very well educated. You are a graduate, when an educated person speaks, then they must speak properly, knowing all the specifics and facts around the conversation. When one wants to make a point or prove something, then it must be well thought out and spoken -
baith sabhaa vich moondhe baahar, vachan kaadhi je sauch vichaar
If you have any doubts then first take the main scripture and see where this particular verse is being addressed? Through whom does Goswamiji address this particular spoken verse? Who speaks it? Minimally these need to be inquired, before doubting what is being said. Without having first inquired in to the specifics, straight away blaming Goswamiji, that he has criticized the women folk and condemned them, is a grave mistake.
Nij agyaan Ram per dharahin
(Manasa 7:73:9)
If men condemn women folks or vice versa, then they are both dishonest. To consider one sex superior to the other and to put down another sex is not true humanity. Goswamiji prostrated before Sitaji lotus feet, then how could he criticize or condemn the women folks the female sex?
janaka suta jag janani jaanaki
atisaya priya karunaanidhaan ki
taaku jug pad kamal manaavaun
jaasu kripaa nirmal mati paavaun
(Manasa Bala 18:7-8)
Brothers ! A good person never criticize another, rather he only criticizes himself.
Dhol Gawaar Sudra Pasu Naari; sakal taadanaa ke adhikaari
"Drum, the uneducated villager, the labor class, animals and women, all are entitled to education."
In Ramcharitramanas, Sunderkaandh, (59:1-6) the ocean in the form of a man, comes in front of Shri Ramji and begs forgiveness. He says - "Oh Father! space, air, fire, water and earth - these five elements are inert (matter). I being part of water, I too have inert nature in me. Lord, You alone have created these five elements for creation of this Universe. He who follows and lives within the limits and boundaries of the principles and guidelines laid down by You, attains happiness. It is good that you have taught me, but those boundaries and limitations are also your creation.
The ocean says - "maryaada puni tumhaari kinhee" that is, the boundaries and limitations in which we live, those are created by you alone; in that where are we at fault? The fault is only Yours! Soon after comes
Dhol Gawaar Sudra Pasu Naari; sakal taadanaa ke adhikaari
Drum, the uneducated villager, the labor class, animals and women all are entitled to education, study and learning (tadanaa therefore refers to sikhshaa). Now deeply inquire about the word "taadanaa" and what is it's meaning? When the Ocean said –
Prabhu Bhal kinha Mohi sikh deenhi
i.e. Lord, it is good that you have taught me, from this incident and setting at that time, it is apparent that "taadanaa" refers to sikshaa (education, study and learning).
"Taadana" does not mean "beating", rather it means providing education and learning. Here a very important point is they are all entitled to education and learning; rather, if they do not receive proper education then the fault is not theirs, but the one who is providing the education. When a drum does not beat properly, it is not the fault of the drum, but the drummer. If an uneducated, ignorant person from the village (gawaar), is not proper in behavior, it is not his fault, it is the fault of the master, the educator in whose protection he is living. If a labor class (sudra) is not proper, it is the fault of the Brahmin, Kshatriya and Vaishya. If an animal is not behaving properly, it is the fault of the trainer. Similarly with women, if they are improper, it is her parents, and husband at fault. The main point here is that they are entitled to education. The one who is entitled to education, if he does not receive the proper education and teaching, then it is the fault of the educator.