Seeker of Truth

Country - It's Present State and Outcomes

Disrespect of Dharma

Without dharma (righteousness, spiritual laws), morality, ethics, conduct and political wisdom are widowed and without morality, ethics, political wisdom, dharma (righteousness) is widower, i.e. dharma and statesmanship both should go hand in hand then only the governing is good. But today dharma (righteousness) is looked upon with contempt, because of which the sins are rapidly spreading in the Country – Adultery, Violence and Stealing. By increase in these three, the country is falling into a dangerous pitfall.

1. Increase in Adultery

Due to huge advertisement and propaganda of artificial birth-control practices, adultery is spreading on a large scale in our Country. Unmarried boys, unmarried girls, and widows – everyone is getting ruined. Unmarried girls and widows are also becoming pregnant! Because they have freedom to stop the birth or kill the child (abortion)! Nobility, good conduct, chastity, shame etc. are reducing to a great extent among people.

The pace at which birth-control practices are spreading, if this continues then adultery will spread in the entire society. A man who has had a vasectomy, for him there will be no other women (married, unmarried, widow) left and the woman who has been sterilized, for her there will be no other man left. Neither there will be any regulation nor any fear. Due to the flow of previous religious sentiments (dharmik bhav), this move towards a ruin is not visible, but for how long will this flow last? By pushing a cart, it moves ahead on its own and then stops. Similarly, when the flow of religious sentiments will stop, there will be no regulation between a man and woman.

Mother is known- but father is not known – such cases are also heard of in foreign countries! By the spreading of adultery and lustfulness, the nation will be ruined to such an extent that it is difficult to imagine at present. The consequence will be that there will be no difference between animal and a human. As dog, donkey, pig, camel, mouse, cat etc. are, humans will also become just like them. If we want to explain any good thing to a dog, donkey they cannot understand it; similarly we won’t be able to explain good things to such animals in the form of humans.

At the root of birth-control mechanisms lies only one thing – desire of sensual pleasure. Our own child is not tolerated because he is a roadblock in our enjoyment of pleasures. In such a situation, how will mother-father, brother-sister be tolerated? When a robber goes to rob he does not like anyone along with him. When a lustful man gets a woman, he too also wants that no one else obstructs his enjoyment.

Suvran Ko Dhoondat Firat, Kavi Vyabhichari Chor

Charan Dharat Dhadkat Hiyo, Nek Na Bhavat Shor

Similarly, when the desire of sensual pleasures will increase, man will not tolerate anyone. Not only this much but also he will not tolerate austere ascetics-saints, people who give good education, and also he will not tolerate those who talk about abstinence, regulation, religion (dharma). Considering them as a roadblock in their enjoyment of pleasures, they will start killing them.  Don’t wipe out the faults, rather wipe out those who point out the faults – such proposals will be put forth! If school kids have a conference meeting then they will put forth the proposal of closing down the schools; it is a kind of jail for them. Because in studying, you have to bear slavery, there is no freedom in it.

2. Increase in violence

Violence is growing at a large pace in our Country. According to newspaper reports, there are around 3600 slaughterhouses. Ten of them are equipped with latest technological advancements. In these abattoirs, around 250,000 animals are slaughtered everyday. Among these, there are 50,000 cows that are butchered every day. Every year 1000 tons of flesh is produced by butchering these animals; except this violence is also spreading in many different fields. In farms, poisonous gases are sprinkled. Due to this, the little creatures that are considered as useless and a nuisance are killed. In Bhagwan’s creation, there is no useless creature. But those who are blinded by greed do not see usefulness of any other creature!

The pace at which violence is increasing, if it continues then all animal-wealth will be destroyed and non-vegetarians will start eating humans! Such a humans is only a demon. At the time of Ram avatar similar thing happened and demons created a pile of their bones by eating munis (ascetics),

“Seeing a heap of bones the Lord of Raghus was moved with great compassion and enquired the hermits about the same. “Though knowing everything how is it that You ask us, our master? We know you are all knowing and can read the innermost-feelings of all. Hosts of demos have devoured all the sages.” The eyes of Sri Rama (the Hero of Raghu’s race) filled with tears when He heard this.” (Ranacharitmanas 3/9/3-4)

Why did demons eat munis and not householders? It is a conjecture that flesh of vegetarians should taste better than that of non-vegetarians. In humans also, those who practice abstinence, celibacy and are good-hearted, their flesh should be better; because whatever belongs to the one that practices abstinence is good. Today also we see that those calves that are turned into bulls, their flesh doesn’t have the strength that is in a calf that was not turned into a bull. Hence flesh of calf turned into bull sells at a cheaper price in Muslim countries and flesh of calf not turned into bull sells at a very high price. That is why; demons instead of eating house-holders, ate munis. Whosoever are great men, they are surely abstinent.  The destruction of abstinent people will cause much ruin!

3. Increase in robbery

Robbery is also increasing on a large scale. Government has imposed many taxes and created such laws, to escape from which people have found many diverse ways. Lawyer also guides them in how to evade taxes. Government has levied so many taxes with the intention that we may get the wealth of rich. But instead of getting wealth, government has spoiled the businessmen! These rich people are also so smart that government tries to catch them but they will find a way out. No matter how many laws the government creates, they will find a way out. In this manner, in government and citizens both, illegitimacy, adharma (unrighteousness), and injustice is spreading.

The rate at which robbery is increasing, if it continues then theft-burglary will start in society. As a big fish makes feast on smaller fish, similarly powerful men will loot the weak ones. By more number of robbers-burglars, their vote power will be more. Due to this the sovereign will also go in their hands. Now also such cases are happening that the tenant becomes the landlord, workers of the farm become the owners of the farm etc. In ancient times, King Ashwapati once said –

“In my Kingdom, there is neither any robber, nor any miser, nor any person who consumes alcohol, nor any one that does not keep up the sacrificial fire anahitagni), nor any illiterate, nor any man who has any illicit sexual affairs, then how can there be a prostitute?” (Chandogya 5/11/5)

But now the situation is reversed i.e. robber, miser, alcoholic, those who don’t keep up the sacrificial fire (anahitagni), illiterate, man having illicit sexual affairs and prostitute – they only are given importance.

Adultery, violence and robbery – the consequence of these three will be very horrible. It would be so horrible that we cannot surmise it now. In scriptures, it has come –

“Where people who are unworthy of worship are worshipped, and those worthy of worship are despised, these three things will be definitely there – famine (natural calamity), death and fear” (Skandpuran Ma.K. 3/48)’

On this earth, the land of India holds very special place that is not visible at present.  On this land, there is great power of rishi-munis (sages and ascetics). This nation is the life of entire world, a benefactor of all. Hence, ruin of India will be a ruin of entire mankind. Now whatever is happening, this is a preparation for a terrible war (Mahabharata), great gory. Without this there does not seem to be any way of rectification, peace! When people will be annihilated, huge power and wealth will be destroyed then only peace will be established.

- Source :  Saadhan Sudhaa Sindhu in Hindi,  (Published by Gita Press, Gorakhpur)